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Onderstaand aanbod van MSP Foundation trainingen is slechts een kleine selectie uit het totale aanbod wat beschikbaar is. Onderaan de pagina vind je een mogelijkheid om te zoeken naar meer opties en wellicht ook andere opleidingen. Managing Successful Programmes kent de volgende opleidingen en certificeringen:
- MSP Foundation – theoretisch examen met 75 vragen
- MSP Practioner – open boek met open vragen examen
- MSP Advanced Practioner – een essay in combinatie met open vragen
Managing Succesful Projects Foundation Level opleidingen Open inschrijvingen
D-ICT Solutions International | € 899 | Niveau: mbo
MSP Foundation E-learning 5th edition (including exam) Content of the training This MSP Foundation E-learning will help you prepare for the MSP 5th Edition Foundation exam. The module is designed to assess your ability to …
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MSP Foundation E-learning 5th edition (including exam) Content of the training This MSP Foundation E-learning will help you prepare for the MSP 5th Edition Foundation exam. The module is designed to assess your ability to …
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D-ICT Solutions International | Klassikaal | € 1.350 | Niveau: mbo | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
Managing Successful Programs MSP Foundation During the Managing Successful Programs MSP Foundation training, the principles of program management according to the MSP methodology are discussed. Managing Successful Programs…
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Managing Successful Programs MSP Foundation During the Managing Successful Programs MSP Foundation training, the principles of program management according to the MSP methodology are discussed. Managing Successful Programs…
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Slim Bekeken | Klassikaal | € 950 | Niveau: mbo | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
De MSP Foundation (nieuwste versie) cursus van Slim Bekeken heeft altijd start- en laagste prijs garantie. Ook wordt de MSP Foundation (nieuwste versie) training altijd gegeven door een ervaren trainer met geaccrediteerd m…
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De MSP Foundation (nieuwste versie) cursus van Slim Bekeken heeft altijd start- en laagste prijs garantie. Ook wordt de MSP Foundation (nieuwste versie) training altijd gegeven door een ervaren trainer met geaccrediteerd m…
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Slim Bekeken | Klassikaal | € 950 | Niveau: mbo | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
De Managing Successful Programmes foundation (nieuwste versie) cursus van Slim Bekeken heeft altijd start- en laagste prijs garantie. Ook wordt de Managing Successful Programmes foundation (nieuwste versie) training altijd…
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De Managing Successful Programmes foundation (nieuwste versie) cursus van Slim Bekeken heeft altijd start- en laagste prijs garantie. Ook wordt de Managing Successful Programmes foundation (nieuwste versie) training altijd…
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QRP Nederland | Klassikaal | € 1.990 | Niveau: none | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
The MSP® Foundation course is designed for people that are interested in learning how to manage multiple projects and programmes successfully. The course provides the theoretical knowledge of how to plan, manage and delive…
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The MSP® Foundation course is designed for people that are interested in learning how to manage multiple projects and programmes successfully. The course provides the theoretical knowledge of how to plan, manage and delive…
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QRP Nederland | Klassikaal | € 3.250 | Niveau: none | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
The MSP® Combi training includes BOTH the Foundation and the Practitioner certifications. Both the MSP Foundation exam and the MSP Practitioner exam are included. Candidates can benefit from a reduction on the total price …
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The MSP® Combi training includes BOTH the Foundation and the Practitioner certifications. Both the MSP Foundation exam and the MSP Practitioner exam are included. Candidates can benefit from a reduction on the total price …
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QRP Nederland | Klassikaal | € 2.890 | Niveau: none | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 8 dagen
The MSP® Combi training includes BOTH the Foundation and the Practitioner certifications. Both the MSP Foundation exam and the MSP Practitioner exam are included. Candidates can benefit from a reduction on the total price …
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The MSP® Combi training includes BOTH the Foundation and the Practitioner certifications. Both the MSP Foundation exam and the MSP Practitioner exam are included. Candidates can benefit from a reduction on the total price …
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D-ICT Solutions | € 899 | Niveau: mbo
MSP Foundation E-learning 5th edition (inclusief examen) Inhoud van de training Deze MSP Foundation E-learning helpt je voor te bereiden op het MSP 5th Edition Foundation examen. De module is bedoeld om te beoordelen of u …
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MSP Foundation E-learning 5th edition (inclusief examen) Inhoud van de training Deze MSP Foundation E-learning helpt je voor te bereiden op het MSP 5th Edition Foundation examen. De module is bedoeld om te beoordelen of u …
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D-ICT Solutions | Klassikaal | € 1.420 | Niveau: mbo | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 3 dagen
MSP Foundation In deze opleiding wordt ingegaan op de principes van programmamanagement volgens de MSP-methodiek. MSP is de internationaal erkende methodiek voor programmamanagement. Programma’s die worden gebruikt om stra…
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MSP Foundation In deze opleiding wordt ingegaan op de principes van programmamanagement volgens de MSP-methodiek. MSP is de internationaal erkende methodiek voor programmamanagement. Programma’s die worden gebruikt om stra…
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QRP Nederland | Klassikaal | € 1.740 | Niveau: none | Max. deelnemers: 12 | Tijdsduur: 5 dagen
The MSP® Foundation course is designed for people that are interested in learning how to manage multiple projects and programmes successfully. The course provides the theoretical knowledge of how to plan, manage and delive…
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The MSP® Foundation course is designed for people that are interested in learning how to manage multiple projects and programmes successfully. The course provides the theoretical knowledge of how to plan, manage and delive…
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